There’s not an IT administrator anywhere who wants to hear even a rumor of End of Life (EOL). Still, it happens. You may have been through an EOL before. They can be very disruptive. Often the software or service no longer supported is mission critical. Often IT managers and admins like you get little or no advance warning. You know that while software, hardware, or services may become obsolete or unavailable, your data assets never can be. Data lives a long time and perhaps forever. Technology has never been designed to meet that need. The risk of losing access or control over your data becomes ever more daunting.
Recently, the IT world has been preparing for the possible loss of Dell EMC SourceOne. As of this writing, there is no official notification on Dell’s website. Even so, now is a good time to consider alternatives. Unsupported email archives create unnecessary risk for your company. It’s better to resolve the issue now, than when you’re facing down an eDiscovery request. In fact, now is a good time to create a repeatable, reliable, rapid business process to protect your past, present and future emails. Whether you are backing up to Dell EMC SourceOne or any other platform, this is a good excuse to review your email backup best practices and consider solution options.
Migrating your email archives can be daunting. Fortunately, resources are available. With the right partner and support, success is assured. This includes moving to cloud or on-prem with full fidelity. A successful migration causes zero user disruption. It is critical to securely migrate your valuable data with chain of custody auditing and reporting.
Do You Know TDS?
Trusted Data Solutions (TDS) completed the first ever project in the email archive migration space. Our company roots go all the way back to converting data between Wang and WordPerfect. TDS extracts data from more source archive systems than any other solution provider. We are a world leader in tape restoration and email migration. Our global resources include 14 facilities in 12 countries on 3 continents.

So far, TDS has successfully completed more than 5,000 projects, more than 421 billion messages. We developed our own, custom-built, in-house solutions. Our engineers and project managers have years of experience. We successfully extract and migrate all available commercial archives. You are not locked into any given platform or software. We handle archive migration projects of any size. Our global team has been at the helm of many of the world’s largest, most arduous, email archive migrations. It makes sense the leader in legacy tape migration should be your trusted partner for archive email migration.
TDS Email Migration Solution
- Migrate your email archives from any source to any destination
- Unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and auditing for your archive migrations
- Zero impact on users – even in 24 x 7 environments
- Fast, direct migrations from many different archive platforms
- Optional updating or replacement of legacy shortcuts, depending on the source and destination archives
- Filtering of items dependent on advanced criteria
- Eliminates the costs of supporting third-party archives and PST files
- Reduces storage costs by consolidating data and enabling selective migrations
- Allows organizations to move data intelligently to meet operational and records management requirements
- Secure with direct, tamper-resistant, transfers with no interim steps
- Compliance with full auditing and reporting to prove chain-of-custody
- Journal Data
- Both on-premises and in the cloud
- Global network of specialist archive and migration partners
- Experience dating back to industry inception
Where to Start?
Data is the most valuable asset of every enterprise. Turn your data management and retrieval into a repeatable, reliable, rapid business process.
Trusted Data Solutions (TDS) is the foremost expert in legacy data management and email migration. TDS restoration, migration, and conversion services set the standard in compliance worldwide. We are fluent in every technology. We are informed by experience. We are relationship driven. TDS is the trusted and preferred choice for: corporations, regulated institutions, eDiscovery specialists, government agencies, law firms, and anyone else requiring expert, trusted, and compliant data transformation. Turn to TDS for a proven solution, delivered locally or globally, to a unified standard. TDS is ISO27001 certified.