Fast, Direct Migrations From Any Source to Any Destination.

Ensures Future-proof your organizations
email archive data

Compliance with electronic data retention regulatory requirements

Streamline the management of large
legacy data volumes

Zero downtime

Optimize data
risk management

Reduce Cost

Ensure Intelligent, Compliant, and Secure Data Migration with EVOLVE

Our software is a licensable, Windows-based tool, focusing on migrations of your email archives.
Minimize risks and complexities by choosing the right partner and leveraging suitable solutions.

Benefits of Email Archive Migration Software

Use Case Scenarios.

Uses cases for Email Archive Migration Software

Proven solutions build in-house, scalable to your needs.

Our industry-leading technologies and proprietary processes are developed in-house, enabling us to accommodate the widest array of source systems and destination formats available. Let us handle your customer’s most critical migration requirements with precision and expertise.

Email Archive Migration Software

Licensable high-performance email archive migration tool for seamless, secure, and transparent DIY email migrations.

Intuitive Windows-based application
Fast, direct migrations from many different archive platforms
Zero impact on users – even in 24/7 environments
Reduce storage costs by consolidating data and enabling selective migrations
Move data intelligently to meet operational and records management requirements
Email Archive Migration Software and Service

For organizations seeking a fully managed, end-to-end migration delivered by our experts. Migrate your email archives from any source to any destination.

Three-phase email archive migration service
Phase 1 – Initial engagement scoping and design
Phase 2 – Project initiation Q/A testing and solution implementation
Phase 3 – Production extraction, conversion, and delivery

Email Archive Migration Software reviews

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Our Resources.

10 Key Qualities You Need to Look for in an Email Archive Migration Partner

10 Key Qualities You Need to Look for in an Email Archive Migration Partner

Top 5 Email Archive Migration Risks

Email archive migration involves several risks — some bigger than others — which can have severe consequences for an organization and impact business operations…

A Quick Guide to Planning Your Email Archive Migration

Starting an email archive migration may seem challenging, but with proper planning and preparation, it becomes manageable. This checklist is your roadmap…